Wherever possible, we try to provide useful suggestions to help you improve your report, e.g. a missing RRID or a typo in your dataset link. Adding those to your methods section might already improve your SciScore. Next is to look more thoroughly at the various sections of the report to see where information is expected but missing.Addressing certain rigor criteria in the methods section like blinding, randomization of groups, and power analysis, even if it is to simply state that they are not relevant to the study, should improve your score. In general, though, the more rigor criteria you include, the higher your score will be.For each research resource that is identified, adding a research resource identifier (RRID) or other important metadata, like the catalog number and vendor, should improve the score. Please note, every RRID is associated with product information. SciScore will try to match the sentence context with this data, and if this information does not match, the score will be lower. If English is not your native language, you may consider sending your methods section to a colleague to help improve sentence clarity.